A Non-Profit Organization

3 Real Life Ways To Save Money Today

1. Become A Free Finder Expert: Everybody I know is missing two things: time and money. I started taking just 20 minutes a day to seek out anything that is free. Some are scams, yes. But some are real, saving me time, money or both! Free is good. Free helps. How would you like to […]

11 Ways to Spice Up Your Emergency Fund

A thriving emergency fund is an essential piece of a healthy financial picture. You’ve heard this a million times before. The basics of emergency funds have been covered in depth. We’re used to hearing discussions on why they’re important and how large they should be. But do you know what we don’t hear much about? […]

7 Life Lessons My 1-Year-Old Taught Me While Backpacking Abroad

14 months ago, my wife and I were destined for conformity. Courtney had just graduated college, and I was starting to see some early success in small business and real estate. We had just celebrated our first wedding anniversary and were looking forward to the birth of our first child. We had began looking for […]

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