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Thrifty Mom 2

Quick tips and a recipe each week to help save you money!

Thrifty Tip of the Week
Never use the heated dry setting on your dishwasher! Turn it off before running and let the dishes dry naturally! Saves energy and doesn’t heat up the kitchen!

Deal of the Week
Center Cut Pork Rib Chops at $2.99 a pound

Recipe of the Week
Elegant Pork Chops is a recipe that was originally found in a decades old Reynolds Wrap booklet. Considering its presence on the web, its popularity has staying power! Please note this recipe is shown for two servings. I actually triple it and feed my family for two nights!


Motivational Quote of the Week
(okay I admit this is a bit lofty … but all it really says is Think Positive!)
“Life has, indeed, many ills, but the mind that views every object in its most cheering aspect, and every doubtful dispensation as replete with latent good, bears within itself a powerful and perpetual antidote.”
Lydia H. Sigourney
1791-1865, Poet

Action Plan for the Week
Call Debthelper today and get your finances under control!

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