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Summer Camp or a Baby Sitter …Which is Better?

Many Working Parents find themselves in the same dilemma each year when Summer rolls around… “What do I do with my kids while we are at work?”

A Tax Credit, according to the IRS, is available for Child Care Expenses, and the cost of summer day camp just might count as an expense.

Whether your childcare provider is a daycare facility outside the home, or a sitter at your home, you’ll get some tax benefit if you qualify for the credit.

When it comes to which is better financially, Summer Camp and the Baby Sitter are neck and neck.

But which is better for your kids… Summer Camp or a Baby Sitter?  There are pros and cons for each – let’s take a look at a few:

Most Summer Camps offer activities and experiences that your kids would never be able to experience at home.

Summer Camp provides the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends… often friends that last a lifetime.

A downside to Summer Camp could be the cost.  If you have two or more kids, Camp could run you as much as $600 a week or more!

With a Sitter, your kids get to stay in a familiar environment surrounded by their “things” and should they get tired and want to sleep… their room is only paces away.

Whether you decide to send your kids to Summer Camp or have them stay at home with a sitter, make sure there are fun and challenging activities to keep them busy and make the summer fun!



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