A Non-Profit Organization

I’m Done With My Debt!

In 2006, Roger Simpson was drowning in debt. He owed thousands of dollars to credit card companies with no visible way out. Then, one fateful day, he was at a community event and happened to stop by the Debthlelper.com outreach booth. He found the counselors to be friendly and helpful, and after the event, he decided to follow up with a visit to the Debthelper office.

“I decided that it wouldn’t hurt to see what it was all about,” indicated Mr. Simpson. Because the Debthelper.com process includes analyzing each client’s situation, including dissecting monthly income and expenses, he got a clear picture as to where he stood with his debt and what it would take to resolve it.

“My first impression was that the counselors were very helpful and very friendly,” stated Mr. Simpson. “It was not hard to make the decision to join the program, because everything was made so clear to me,” he added.

It wasn’t always an easy process for Mr. Simpson, however he said that he never doubted he would complete the program. “I always looked forward to the day I would be out of debt,” he said.

“There were some times I was late with a payment, but the counselors at Debthelper.com were always there to assist me,” said Mr. Simpson, who also stated that, “I never got any nasty letters or calls from Debthelper.com if I was late, just friendly assistance from the staff. They made everything so easy.”

With the assistance of the Debthelper.com counselors Mr. Simpson also created a monthly budget and has utilized it for nearly the entire time he has spent in the debt management program.

“I would suggest a monthly budget for everyone,” says Mr. Simpson, “It really helps to keep your spending in perspective and helps you to save.”

He suggests that consumers who are facing a similar situation to the one he faced “Do not stay in neutral! Join the Debthelper.com program.” “I highly recommend it!” Mr. Simpson said.

Mr. Simpson indicated that he has received a number of offers for new credit cards, but has no intention of “ever getting into this position again.”

Mr. Simpson also suggests that you take advantage of all the free financial life skills programs offered by Debthelper.com.

“If I had known about them sooner, I would not have waited so long to start,” said Mr. Simpson.

When asked how it feels to be debt free? Mr. Simpson exclaimed: “It feels great! Sometimes I never thought this day would come and it has.”

In addition to a Debt Management Program and the free Financial Life Skills Seminars, counseling for Bankruptcy, Reverse Mortgages and Loan Modifications.

Credit Card Management Services, Inc.
4611 Okeechobee Blvd., #114
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
P: 800-920-2262
E: clientservice@debthelper.com

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