A Non-Profit Organization

Saving Food Dollars

Before you go food shopping, here are some things to think about.

* Did you make out a list? Many times, if you are organized you can save money by not throwing items into the cart that you don’t need. Going with a well thought out list will keep you organized and disciplined on your shopping visits.

*Cut and use coupons: Every week in the newspaper there are several sources of valuable coupons. They generally offer discounts, 2-1 items and other types of savings. If you use them on a regular basis the money you save will add up.

*Check the savings in store brands: The “name” brands may look pretty, but the label might be what you’re paying extra for. Check out the store brands. Most of the time you are getting literally the same quality product but you get it for less, because you are not paying more for the packaging. The savings can sometimes be up to 50% of your cost. Some people save considerable money by utilizing store brands.

*If you have young children, make sure they understand that they have to behave in the grocery store and cannot get whatever they want. If they are not ready to go to the store, keep them home! As they get older, you can allow them to be part of the experience. (for example) get them involved in planning the list and then have them look for some items in the store) You can also involve them in the planning of meals and adding the ingredients to your list. At some point, you can also let them get some of the items and pay for them at the register.

*Try to go to the grocery store when you are not going to feel rushed. That way you can compare prices and relax while you are in the store.

*If you have a spouse and/or significant other, you can alternate who goes shopping, you can go together or you can decide who might like to do it more than the other.

Whatever money you save from the store should be added to a savings account. The more you follow the steps above, the more you will be able to plan on saving.

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