A Non-Profit Organization

Earthquake Relief for Haiti

In an effort to help those who have been affected by the earthquake in Haiti, and their continuing tragedies, Credit Card Management Services, Inc. d.b.a Debthelper.com is now a collection center to help those in need.

Your gift will help distribute relief supplies to children and families impacted by the earthquake and aftershocks in Haiti.

Anything you are willing to provide will be greatly appreciated and invaluable to the families you will be helping. The immediate need is dry foods such as rice, beans; can foods, tents and army type cots, blankets and medical supplies.

Where: 4611 Okeechobee Blvd. Suite 114 WPB, FL 33417
Time: Mon – Fri: 9:00am – 8pm; Sat: 12:00pm – 5:00pm
Information: (561) 472-8000


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