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What are Good Money Management Tips?

Money management is a necessary skill for taking control of your finances. Unfortunately, managing your money, while simple, is not always easy. There are always a lot of questions regarding how much to be saving, how much to put toward retirement, how to invest, and how to set a sustainable budget? While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to these questions, there are some simple tips and tricks that can be put in place to make money management easy.

Track Spending

Keep track of what you spend every month by using a budget spreadsheet or a money management software. This way you can get a handle of what is going out of your account (both necessary and not necessary).

Know Your Net Worth

Your net worth is the value of everything you own, minus your debts. Net worth, not income, is the key to securing your financial freedom. Keeping track of your spending will help you find your net worth as well. For instance, spending more than you bring in will affect your budget first and net worth later.

Prepare for Unexpected Expenses

Car repairs, Christmas or holiday gifts, and the like never come at the right time. It is important to be prepared. Setting money aside to prepare for these unexpected expenses will give you peace of mind.

The key to good financial management will always include planning. For help planning your finances, download our free budget spreadsheet and start planning!


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