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Real Estate Notebook: Lot once owned by Rothstein sells for $2.83 million by Paul Owers Sun Sentinel

Foreclosure prevention workshops planned

Homeowners struggling with mortgage payments can attend a free foreclosure prevention workshop on the last Saturday of each month in West Palm Beach. The counseling agency and housing counselors will help homeowners Read full article here…

What to do if your credit card rate goes up
By Fred O. Williams and Chris Kissell at CreditCards.com

Credit card holders beware: The gathering strength of the U.S. economy may soon cause a spike in your monthly debt payment. . . . Fortunately, Kermicle started getting financially fit by paying down debt, putting her in a better position to cope with rising rates. With an assist from Credit Card Management Services, Inc. , a nonprofit credit counseling service, she found savings in her budget and started whittling down her balances by $850 a month. Read full article here…

88.1 WAY-FM interviewsCertified Personal Finance Counselor Mr. Kevin Maher on debt and budgeting, and how it affects families during the Holiday Season. Kevin has conducted countless workshops and seminars for local non-profits that work with very low to moderate income households, homeless individuals, veterans and people with disabilities. Mr. Maher has also given workshops for both employees and students at Florida State University and the University of Miami. Kevin’s courses are sometimes used for Continuing Education Units for EAP-Professionals, Treatment Professionals and Social Workers. To schedule workshops for your agency employees, please call us at 561-472-8000. Click Here to listen

Back to School Management Solutions
by Andrew Bernstein

It’s getting near that time again. After the summer vacations and other activities, families are preparing to send the kids back to school. While there can be wear and tear on the nerves as well as the pocketbook… Read full article here…

Kevin Maher on News Channel 12

Lake Worth stabilization program turning blight into blessing

Lake Worth stabilization program turning blight into blessing

LAKE WORTH, Fla. — Looking for an affordable home? Lake Worth may just be the place to find your ‘home-sweet-home.’ The city’s Community Redevelopment Agency still has dozens of homes left for low income families to buy and rent. . . .To ensure these new homeowners don’t fall into foreclosure, they are required to undergo HUD counseling with someone like housing counselor Kevin Maher.

How your FICO credit score is calculated: Length of credit history
by Jeremy Simon

…the third of a five-part series examining what goes in to creating your FICO credit score… even if your history isn’t perfect, it’s still important to have one. “It’s better to have some sort of credit history — even if there have been some problems — rather than no credit history,” says Andrew Bernstein, a certified personal finance counselor with Credit Card Management Services, Inc. Read full article here…

Managing Your Money
by Andrew Bernstein

The first thing to remember in life is that you will know when the actual end of the world comes. There will be trumpets, angels, demons and a whole bunch of disarray, or so we’re told. The second thing to … Read full article here…

by Andrew Bernstein

Counselor Carlos talks about Housing Counseling on Spanish Media There a lot of single mums out there that need help. … The US government also provides grants to help single mothers go back to school and the money does not have to be paid back. The biggest problem right now with some of these programs that offer grants is that they follow a first come first serve basis, which can make it difficult for some people to get the help they need. Read full article here…

Housing Counseling Program | Everything Counseling
by Admin

Counselor Carlos talks about Housing Counseling on Spanish Media There a lot of single mums out there that need help. … The US government also provides grants to help single mothers go back to school and the money does not have to be paid back. The biggest problem right now with some of these programs that offer grants is that they follow a first come first serve basis, which can make it difficult for some people to get the help they need. Read full article here…

Tales from the credit crypt: Counselors’ crazy debt client stories Debt counselors recall pets, secrets and attitudes
by Erica Sandberg

Think you can astonish a credit counselor with your $20,000 credit card bills? Not a chance. They’ve seen it all — from shopping divas who outspend their incomes to clients who have severe gut reactions once all their hidden debt is revealed…. Looking for miracles. Many clients hope for a magic solution to their problems, making realistic options difficult to propose. Andrew Bernstein, from West Palm Beach, Fla., remembers a resistant-but-broke big spender. Read full article here…

What You Need to Know Regarding Your Credit Score
by Andrew Bernstein

Your ability to get future credit is based on your past and current experience. Do you pay your bills on time? Do you carry too much debt? Are you applying for too much credit? On time payments represent 35% of your credit score, the largest single factor considered by the credit bureaus. The ability and willingness to pay on time tells any future creditor that you are responsible and serious about your debts. Read full article here…

Three tips to start saving today
by acheiUSA

Here are some tips on how to make your money render more cutting costs. Find more of these tips at debthelper.com, which is an agency financial non-profit education that can help you cut your credit card payment in almost 50%. The institution offers advice on ‘ First-time home buyer, bankruptcy, reverse mortgage reverse mortgage), credit card and how to avoid foreclosure. Read full article here…

Barriers to Financial Well Being
by Andrew Bernstein

Having been a professional credit counselor and financial literacy instructor for nearly 20 years, I have noted several patterns that can be considered barriers to financial wellbeing. These patterns can affect all elements of the population, no matter how much one earns or how much debt they have. Read full article here…

Did Your Ex Use Your Credit Card?
by Jennifer Lane

Going through a divorce can be stressful enough, and if you don’t end things amicably, sometimes people can do hateful things. Your ex has access to all your personal information, your social security number, date of birth, address, and maybe even your bank account information. This could give your ex the information he or she needs to make your financial life a nightmare or it could be someone who doesn’t even know you who digs through your trash. Read full article here…

Credit Card Management Services, Inc. : Divorced and Owe? Yes, You Can Pay Down Bills and Save Money and Reach Your Financial Goals
By Jennifer Lane

Most Americans owe money, and most are also not saving. I know many people make it a priority to pay off debt and put off saving until later. This is not always a wise idea. A better way is to do a combination of the two. If you are already struggling, you may feel that your situation is hopeless, but there is a way out. Read full article here…

Card issuers more open to debt deals but fewer qualify. Management plan payments prove too high for many consumers
by Connie Prater

In over your head and struggling to pay your credit card bills? Compared to a year ago, credit card issuers are more sympathetic to financial hardships facing many families. Card lenders are more willing to help consumers enrolled in debt management plans repay their loans by slashing interest rates and waiving fees. . . . “They are trying to get whatever they can from whoever they can get it from,” says Andrew Bernstein, a senior certified credit counselor at DebtHelper.com, a nonprofit consumer credit counseling agency in West Palm Beach, Read full article here…

Claims of debt fraud soaring
By Christine Stapleton Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

First, Roberta Krassner’s husband died. Then she was diagnosed with cancer. Finally, a relief company called and offered her some good news: help with the five-digit balance on her credit cards and renegotiating her adjustable-rate mortgage to a fixed rate.. “A lot of people are in a panic – what do we do?” said Andre Bernstein, a certified credit counselor at Credit Card Management Services, a nonprofit company in West Palm Beach that counsels debtors.. Read full article here…

Taxes: Tips to Help Financially Struggling Couples Get through Tax Time This year, tax time might be a little more complicated than normal. A large segment of people who plan to pay down their debt with their tax returns may not be doing so. Instead they will be trying to meet normal expenses that they have left untouched during the holiday season. Post Holiday Stress Syndrome generally happens when the holiday bills come in and of course set an individual or couple behind to begin the New Year. They then shift the focus to the tax return and hopefully will then catch up on those first quarter bills. That is when they see that they are not going to be able to do that and they are placed in the negative economic situation. Read full article here…

For Katrina victims, financial pain endures By Kathy Chu, USA TODAY NEW ORLEANS– For Gloria Vallery, the 20 months since Hurricane Katrina have brought a succession of financial agonies. Too little insurance money to cover her property damage. Delays in getting a state grant for hurricane victims. Personal debt of about $40,000 to rebuild her home. .Victims’ family and friends are affected, as well: “If you had relatives in other states, those people had to rack up debt to help you,” says Anel Moises of Credit Card Management Services in West Palm Beach, Fla. Read full article here…

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