Other Media
Real Estate Notebook: Lot once owned by Rothstein sells for $2.83 million by Paul Owers Sun Sentinel
Foreclosure prevention workshops planned
Homeowners struggling with mortgage payments can attend a free foreclosure prevention workshop on the last Saturday of each month in West Palm Beach. The counseling agency and housing counselors will help homeowners Read full article here…
What to do if your credit card rate goes up
By Fred O. Williams and Chris Kissell at CreditCards.com
Credit card holders beware: The gathering strength of the U.S. economy may soon cause a spike in your monthly debt payment. . . . Fortunately, Kermicle started getting financially fit by paying down debt, putting her in a better position to cope with rising rates. With an assist from Credit Card Management Services, Inc. , a nonprofit credit counseling service, she found savings in her budget and started whittling down her balances by $850 a month. Read full article here…
88.1 WAY-FM interviewsCertified Personal Finance Counselor Mr. Kevin Maher on debt and budgeting, and how it affects families during the Holiday Season. Kevin has conducted countless workshops and seminars for local non-profits that work with very low to moderate income households, homeless individuals, veterans and people with disabilities. Mr. Maher has also given workshops for both employees and students at Florida State University and the University of Miami. Kevin’s courses are sometimes used for Continuing Education Units for EAP-Professionals, Treatment Professionals and Social Workers. To schedule workshops for your agency employees, please call us at 561-472-8000. Click Here to listen
Back to School Management Solutions
by Andrew Bernstein
It’s getting near that time again. After the summer vacations and other activities, families are preparing to send the kids back to school. While there can be wear and tear on the nerves as well as the pocketbook… Read full article here…
Lake Worth stabilization program turning blight into blessing
Lake Worth stabilization program turning blight into blessing
LAKE WORTH, Fla. — Looking for an affordable home? Lake Worth may just be the place to find your ‘home-sweet-home.’ The city’s Community Redevelopment Agency still has dozens of homes left for low income families to buy and rent. . . .To ensure these new homeowners don’t fall into foreclosure, they are required to undergo HUD counseling with someone like housing counselor Kevin Maher.