A Non-Profit Organization

DebtHelper understands the financial burden and stress that overwhelming debt can bring to your life. If you find yourself struggling to make ends meet, constantly fielding collection calls, or unable to see a way out of your debts, we are here to help. As a leading provider of free debt counseling services, DebtHelper is dedicated to assisting individuals and families in Florida and beyond to regain financial control and achieve a debt-free future.

What Is Free Debt Counseling?

Free debt counseling, also known as credit counseling, is a valuable service offered by nonprofit organizations like DebtHelper. It involves a confidential consultation with a certified credit counselor who will assess your financial situation and provide personalized advice and guidance to help you overcome your debt challenges

How Does Free Debt Counseling Work?

The first step in our free debt counseling process is an initial consultation. Our credit counselor will review your financial situation during this session, including your income, expenses, and debts. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of your financial landscape, we can identify the most effective strategies to help you achieve debt relief.

With this information, our credit counselor can give accurate and tailored advice to address your specific financial challenges.

Will Free Debt Counseling Affect My Credit Score?

Engaging in free debt counseling itself does not directly impact your credit score. However, the strategies and solutions recommended by our credit counselors, such as enrolling in a debt management plan, may have some influence.

Please discuss potential credit score implications with our credit counselor before making any decisions. Our goal is to help you find the most suitable path to debt relief while minimizing any potential negative impacts on your credit.

Can Free Debt Counseling Help Me Avoid Bankruptcy?

Free debt counseling is designed to explore alternatives to bankruptcy and design tools and strategies to manage your debts effectively. Our credit counselors are familiar with various debt relief options, such as debt management plans, negotiating with creditors, and creating realistic budgets. By working closely with you, we will help you develop a plan to avoid bankruptcy and achieve financial stability.

Is the Information I Share During Debt Counseling Confidential?

At DebtHelper, we take client confidentiality seriously. Rest assured that any information you share during debt counseling is strictly confidential. Our organization adheres to robust privacy policies and safeguards to protect your personal and financial information.

Benefits of Free Debt Counseling

  • Tailored financial advice for your unique situation.

  • Assistance in creating a realistic budget to manage your income and expenses effectively.

  • Strategies to negotiate with creditors and potentially reduce interest rates or monthly payments.

  • Guidance on debt management plans, which allows you to consolidate your debts into a single, manageable payment.

  • Education on responsible money management and strategies to avoid future debt.

  • Relief from harassing collection calls and creditor interactions.

  • Tools to rebuild your credit and improve your financial well-being.

  • Access to additional resources and referrals for financial education and support.

  • Empowerment to regain control of your financial future.

Are You in Need of Free Debt Counseling?

If you’re ready to break free from the burden of debt and start your journey toward financial freedom, DebtHelper is here to support you. Take control of your finances and regain peace of mind. Contact us today for a free debt counseling session with our experienced credit counselors.

Call us today at 1-800-920-2262 or visit our website to schedule your free debt counseling session.

Our Partners

We Help with Debt from thousands of creditors

Bankruptcy Courses

Bankruptcy Alternatives